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Accident Insurance

Accident_PhotoAccident Insurance offers specific coverage for accidents and injuries and is a very affordable coverage option.  It can be purchased as a rider or ‘add-on’ to a Major Medical policy, or as a stand alone plan to complement a Major Medical plan with a separate company.

These plans provide coverage for expenses like ER visits, surgeries, broken bones and sprains, stitches, casts, Doctor visits, x-rays and physical therapy.

Common accidents are from playing sports, children’s accidents and injuries at home, or accidents at work, at school or on vacation.

We have seen a wide range of incidents covered and some very unique and unlucky events over the years. From falling off steps, porches and ladders, to cuts in the kitchen or the workshop, and lots of sports injuries.

We usually recommend that these plans be used to cover the deductible or out of pocket maximum of a Major Medical plan.

Coverage can range from $2,500 – $25,000+ per accident.

Premiums are low and for an Individual the cost is often around $20 – $30 per month.

Some companies offer a combined Accident & Critical Illness plan as a package policy.

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