7 Tips for Developing Your Family’s Fire Escape Plan
Posted: August 30, 2023
During a house fire, every second counts. That’s why it’s important for you and your family to be prepared.A recent study by the American Red Cross found that many homeowners are both overconfident and underprepared when it comes to fire safety. Practicing your escape plan twice a year helps increase the odds of survival, but 70% don't. Even more, 65% don't test their smoke alarms...
Here’s How to Use HSA Funds for Family Members
Posted: August 28, 2023
Can you use your health savings account (HSA) to pay for the expenses of family members and dependents? For specific family members, the answer is definitely yes. Here is a look at how the IRS allows you to use your HSA to pay for the healthcare costs of your loved ones. Who Qualifies to Have a Health Savings Account? Under IRS requirements, to qualify for...
3 Health Insurance Options for College Students
Posted: August 25, 2023
Everyone needs health insurance, including college students. If you are heading off to college in the fall, it is important to make sure you have health insurance, find out where to go in case you become sick or injured, and choose a pharmacy to fill your prescriptions. As for health insurance, the following are three possible options for students attending college. Stay on Your Parents’...
Batten Down the Hatches: What To Know About Winterizing Your Boat
Posted: August 22, 2023
As the days become shorter and the temperature dips, the inevitable appears on the horizon for every boater: winter. But don’t let the impending off-season blow you off course. By planning to properly winterize your boat, you’ll confidently end the season knowing you and your beloved ship will be ready to take on the waves as soon as the snow passes and spring arrives. A...
Writing Your Will: Common Questions and Simple Tips
Posted: August 17, 2023
Have you thought about your final wishes in life?We know it’s not a particularly fun topic to discuss. But the truth is, writing a will is an important step to help your loved ones in the event of your passing. (So is choosing the right life insurance.)If you’re one of the 60% of Americans without a will or if you just haven’t updated yours in...